
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand

ANYBODY ELSE, OR IS IT JUST ME? 😀 (been like this all my life, ask my family)

1. First of all, the struggle never ends, because your stomach is a bottomless pit.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
2. While normal people have emotions like “happiness” and “sadness,” you only feel “hungry” and “really hungry.”

26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand

3. Hungry + anger = HANGRY, the worst emotion of them all.

26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand

4. When you go out drinking with your friends, you’re just worried about where you are going to get drunk food.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
5. And really, your idea of a fun Friday night is going to your favorite restaurant.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
6. Waiting for food at a restaurant can only be described as complete and utter agony.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
7. Your heart breaks when the waiter brings out food, only to walk past you to serve it to another table.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
8. If someone else’s food comes first, you have to wait and watch them eat. It is basically torture.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
9. But the worst is when your food comes first, and you are expected to sit and wait until everyone else’s food arrives.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
10. Once you are allowed to eat, there is absolutely no chance you will eat like a polite, civilized human.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
11. You’re annoyed at people who stop to take pictures of their food, because that is time wasted they could have spent on eating.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
12. Also, when people try to talk to you while you are eating, you want to SCREAM. Eating > talking, ALWAYS.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
13. Some people need their morning coffee to get their day started. You, on the other hand, need breakfast.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
14. The hour before lunch is basically the longest hour of your life.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
15. Eating lunch is great, but you just KNOW you’re going to be hungry again in an hour or two.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
16. When you go on a date, you’re more interested in dinner than the person sitting across from you.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
17. Your appetite has a reputation with friends and family. You would care, but you’re too busy trying to find food.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
18. You probably like food more than you like people.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
19. After all, food never lets you down. People do.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
20. It sometimes is awkward when you have to ask someone if they are going to finish what they’re eating

26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
21. But whatever, you’re gonna do it anyway. You WANT that food.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
22. Also, you will fight to the death for that last slice of pizza. AS IF someone else was going to claim it.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
23. Grocery shopping is a struggle, because you want it ALL.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
24. Like, if you don’t make a shopping list and stick to it, you’re going to leave with WAY more than you need.
26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
25. And finally, the amount of food you eat normally would be considered embarrassing

26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand
But honestly, you’re too busy stuffing your face to care.

26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand



Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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