My way from depression to weightlifting
Do what you love. Love what you do. Find something to live for.
It does not matter if it is a hobby, a job, a family/friend or partner, a dream,a goal or a lifestyle. Find your passion and do it. I’ve always needed something I’m passionate about, big dreams and goals, something I love and something I do for myself. As you can see the guitar next to me, it was a dream and hobby for me when I was a teenager. No matter how bad you are or what other people thinks.. if you love something and it makes you feel good, I think you should go for it. Especially if it gets you motivated and happy. When I was depressed it was alot because I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, and because I lived a life for someone else’s sake. I thought I would be happy if I did what others wanted, but it was the other way around and I realized it too late when I had nothing left. I felt that everyone went further away from me. I felt that I just fell deeper into the cave and felt lost. To then find the strength training was a light in the darkness. I found something that made me believe in myself, something I waited for every day, something that strengthened me mentally and physically. I found my own thing, that I did for myself and no one else. It became my hobby, passion, something I daydreamed about. I wanted to learn everything and more about health and how Important it is to take care of yourself. I never wanted to fall down again. I seriously thought at my worst that I would never make it or find life again. It was so amazing to find a passion in life, ant to know that It would never leave you 😀 It could have just as easily been anything,a pet or a friend or a hobby like Art or Music. But it was the strength training. I have always been interested in sports and always been active in life, so It was nothing strange to start training. But to the opposite from the soccer and running, this was different, new. It suprised me every workout, you never knew what to expect. And for the first time in my life felt STRONG. Who cared if it was true or not, or what others were thinking. Clearly, my parents were a little worried at first when I suddenly were so active at the gym. That was in 2013. But when they saw how I changed to the luckiest girl and how confidence and desire to live again grew & while the weight went up 10kg total, they were so happy for me. After this my life has certainly not went straight up, but ever since the day I took the step into the gym, everything changed. I have learned so much about myself and not just the body and the muscles, but about the mind and mental health. And ofc how important it is to have something you love. And to do it. If you have a goal, who cares how long it takes to reach it. You have enough time. And you dont need to have a goal. You can do it for your health. I didn’t want to be strongest or moste toned 6pack.I didn’t give a shit about how I looked anymore. I cared about life. I had found happiness again. When you’ve reached the ground, every minute of a normal day, felt like the happiest & best day ever. I could’nt stop smiling and sometimes I just wanted to cry of joy. I could’nt understand that it was true. Just find your thing. Let it take time. And above all..believe in yourself. You can do it.
(Sorry for the bad english, hope you’ll understand, thanks for reading, xx)
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