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Ni som känner mig… vet att jag har dåligt tålamod. Så orkade inte vänta till helgen för mitt fusk. Idag blev det den dagen istället. oh herregud. alltså herregud. finner inga ord på denna himmelska kakan. Den var så himla söt och mäktig att ens en liten sked fick mig upp i himlen, klart blev det inte endast en sked… utan tusentals, och BOOM var jag sockerfull. Skrattade åt allt och blodsockret var så högt att jag passade på att köra dagens benpass! Tyvärr tog det all tid efter packande, väntande, göra 3 sorters drickor (före, under, efter passet) osvosv. Så blodsockret föll ner och jag var lite död på passet. Trött och mådde till och med illa. Men värt det!

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( dont judge mina konstnärligheter, kan inte göra maten att se god ut då det kliar i munnen att äta upp allt 😀 )

Och påtal om tålamod.. orkade inte fixa tårtan så att den blev fin, eller ens vänta att den skulle så i kylen i flera timmar. Så satt den i frysen i typ 30 minuter och inte ens med det blev det klart, så äh skippade frozen skitet och åt den som den var, lika god ändå! Här har ni receptet MED DE FINA BILDERNA, härifrån;

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen!

As promised, only 5 ingredients here! Chocolate chips, brown sugar, Oreos, butter, and heavy whipping cream. That’s all you need!


Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Finely crush an entire package of whole Oreos — minus the one that you eat, of course — in a food processor or blender. You can also do this in a ziploc bag with a rolling pin.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Mix the Oreos with one stick of melted butter until evenly combined.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Then pour into the bottom of a pie pan. I used this 10-inch by 2-inch deep dish tart pan from Amazon so I could show you guys this fabulous crust, (and so that first slice would be much easier to cut) but trust me when I say you could use any pie pan. It doesn’t have to be a fancy tart pan! 🙂

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Press the crumbs into the bottom and up the sides of the pan. The crust is one of the best parts of this pie!! Pop that into the freezer to set up while you make the salted caramel sauce.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Melt the butter and brown sugar in a small saucepan, whisking constantly, until the mixture begins to boil.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Keep cooking, whisking constantly, for 1 minute, then remove from heat and slowly whisk in 1/4 cup of the whipping cream.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Cool caramel about 15 minutes, then pour into the bottom of the frozen pie crust. Return to freezer for 30-45 minutes, just until caramel is firm. You don’t want it to get frozen.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Next, we’ll make our decadent dark chocolate ganache. Pour 1 bag of chocolate chips into a heat-proof bowl, then bring 1 cup of heavy whipping cream to a simmer on the stove. (Sorry for the lack of step-by-step pictures here.) Pour the cream over the chocolate and let sit for 5 minutes, then whisk until smooth and fully combined. Remove the pie from the freezer and pour the chocolate ganache over the caramel layer.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Smooth out the top with the back of a spoon or a spatula to evenly distribute to chocolate. Return to freezer for another 30 mins, just until the chocolate is set, or you can refrigerate, covered, until ready to serve.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! This is the beauty of a tart pan. The bottom is removable, so the rim just pops right off, revealing this beautiful chocolate crust. When ready to serve, sprinkle with a flaky sea salt, like kosher salt or I like using this Fleur De Sel.

Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Pie with an Oreo Cookie Crust. Only 5 ingredients!! This is the perfect dessert for company, because you can make it the night before and it's still just as good the next day -- and you're not messing up the kitchen! Chocolate crust. Gooey caramel. Decadent chocolate. Salty. Sweet. Ridiculous.

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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