Answers on questions
I have just found your instagram and blog and I’m so inspired! Im a girl who has an anorexia (I hardly write it but yes, I do have it). I have had this shit since I was 15/16 I suppose. I couldn’t have believed that it might be an anorexia. I visited my doctor and she told me that I had to gain weight or else she would send me to the hospital. But you surely know it’s so difficult to overcome that fear of being ‘fat’. I still pretend to be normal and I cheat my family and myself that I’m getting healthy but I’m NOT. I’m still about 48 kg and 171 cm!
When I saw your pics and that it took you not such a long time to look so amazing I thought that I could do the same. But my problem is that I don’t know how to start. Can you help me or give me an advice?
I would like to start training and a diet at the same time but I want to do it on my own. Without dietetician. Is it possible? How did you start? Can I start training (yoga, exercises at home, gym during the winter) to form my muscles and what about diet? I know I should eat more and count calories (in this positive way). How should it look like. Could you give me your exemplary meal plan when you was a ‘beginner’? I have just found ‘FitDay’ maybe it could help me 🙂
Sweetie, I would love to help you and make a plan. But I don’t think its such a great idea to start working out when you still are underweight. I know its hard, I wanted to start right away, but I knew the best thing was to wait until I was well or atleast had a healthy weight. You need to ahve something to build on, you can’t build muscles on skin, sad but true. The diet is a big part of working out, and if you are not ready to eat alot of huge meals, then Its maybe not the right time for you. But I belive in you, I believe you can do this. Yes, yoga is great but the only thing that saved my life was lifting weights. That helped me to gain weight, get free from my depression and left ana (anorexia) behind me. I don’t think you need to count macros, because it will just make your head dizzy. Think about taking contact to an personal trainer? It would be hard for me to do it online, but yes I would love to be your coach. Cause its too hard to do it on your own, if you still struggle with an eating disorder.
Hope you understand. I wish you all best, xxx Amanda.
Hi! You are so inspirational. I just want to ask you a few questions if that’s okay. Me too did I struggle with anorexia for two years but mentally now I feel recovered the only problem is my weight. But I have been lifting weights for awhile now and it is truly what has made my recovery strong. Though I need to gain about 15 pounds. What do you recommend I do I am so happy with life right now and the weights make me feel so strong!! How did you go about this. Did you lift while gaining or gain first? Also can u give me an example of your daily eats to see how I can increase more. I want to gain this weight and be healthy physically as much as I am mentally.
Hello! Thanks for your nice email, of course you can ask me! Anytime! So glad that you finally seem to be finally well, and you mentally feel much healthier. You should be proud over yourself! I was dangerously underweight, and I was a minor so I had to be admitted to the eating disorder clinic until I got my bmi to normal, 18. When i finally got it normal, I weighed 52 kg, but I had a relapse a year later, became depressed, and that’s when I began lifting weights and that saved everything. I went up from 49 kg to 55 kg, I was feeling so well so I put a higher level (i read so much about muscles, exercise) I started a period known as Bulking, so I stopped all the extra stamina, not even having to walk a few meters to the grocery store and never warmed up at the gym, etc., ate even more than before (I liked it) and so I went up to 62 kg. I was feeling super but lacked a bit of cardio, started running sometimes at the gym, not more than 2 times a week and then my weight stopped at 60 kg. I finally looked healthy, had muscles that I’ve created myself, I could eat and enjoy it, I did not have to worry about the weight went up or down in a day it had returned to normaland now I’m here today. healthier, happier, freer than ever before.
I hope you understand that we are all different and all have different burns, and if you have to gain weight you have to eat more than you did befort. My mom for example living on a sandwich, a few pieces of cake and candy while I eat 7 “meals” a day + candy if I feel like it.
Or my brother who eat junk food three times a day + normal food, but still he looks super ripped.
Fight on, I know you can, you are strong!
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