Life,  Travel

Baba Beach club Huahin

In cooperation with Baba Beach club Huahin

Good morning and hello from Vietnam.

I just landed in Vietnam after 3 beautiful months in Thailand. I had the best time ever.

Everyone who knows me, knows that my rheumatoid arthritis does not enjoy the cold winter in Finland so it is impossible for me to stay there during the coldest months.

That is why I am here in Asia, and I am so happy I went.

I just need to show you this amazing hotel, Baba Beach Club in Hua Hin that I stayed my last days in. If you travel to Thailand you can not miss this place. It was my favorite of the whole trip.

The beach was perfect just by the hotel, I literally could just wake up to the sunrise ar 6 am and take a long beachwalk and just enjoy the sound of the waves.. the air in my hair, the sun rising and slowly making my skin and bloodcirculation heaten up. After 30 minutes walking barefoot in the sand.. I surely crave dip in the pool, while everyone else is sleeping I just enjoy the time alone, relaxing and having my moment for myself before the day begins.

I start my morning at the breakfast buffee. What I am used to is that Asia is not so in ”trend” or healthy options, they go more for traditional food from England or Asia. But this time I was very surprised, they had so much delicious stuff and healthy! I have not eaten for example chiaseeds with yoghurt and freah fruits since last year! Two cups of decaf coffee and some plates of thaifood, sausages, bacon and more fruits for dessert and I am rolling out! Full, pleased and new energy for the day that has only just began.

I spent all my day at the beach, because the weather was perfect. I had all my time to focus on my clients.. my own workout time would not be until later. The sand was so hot I burned my feets, but I loved it. The water was clear blue and I think I met only 2 people during the hours I spent on the beach relaxing and working.

The sunset came early, I think around 4pm it already started to go down. It was time for me to get active. I went to my hotel room, which was filled with delicious snacks in the minibar and a basket of fresh fruits, perfect I was already hungry again!

Then, I took a dip in my own private pool in my hotelroom, yes you heard right! I had a own pool outside of my room. It was wonderful. I did not have to worry about anyone but myself here. It was exactly what I needed to get a energyboost for my own workout.

Time to check out the hotel’s gym.

Baba Beach club Gym. Oh. It was very good.

Aircondition, great machines and even a boxing place! I LOVE boxing but have not done it for ages, so this was a opportunity for me to take again.

One hour I trained and that was all I needed to get my mood up (if it was even possible from how I felt that day already) and endorphines all over me.

I went to the restourant to buy some thai food, they served so much yummy stuff It was hard for me to choose.

After that day I was so exhausted of just happy boosters and the sun. I was so pleased of this stay and the customer care in the hotel was top class.

I am already looking forward for my next stay, hopefully next winter again.

Thank you so much Baba Beach Club for this time and see you soon again!

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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