Bikini fitness, Diet, Eatingdisorder, Life, Q&A, Training, Uncategorized BLI EN CONFIDENZA maj 5, 2016 Confidenza uf want to inspire the young women to a stronger self-confidence and self-love. With the help of expert advices and interviews from female role models Confidenza UF created an inspiring book to facilitate the balance between career and well-being of the young woman’s life. ?? In the book involved for example the reality star @mariamontazamioriginal and blogger @nicolefalciani. Even Gladiator @jennykitsune and other successful women share their peppery spirit words and stories. Also I had the honor to participate in a few pages???❤️ I am very thankful for that.. It is amazing to hear that I can inspire and help other people .. because I know how hard it can be. I know how the mind and self confidence affects our daily life when you dont like, respect, accept, yourself.. ?? You CAN be strong, you can become anything you want to be, you just need the power of believing in yourself. I strongly recommend to read, a wonderful bok❤️ Visit for more information. You can also email if you are interested of buying the book. ??? Take care and be strong ❤️ #svagtillstark #confidenzauf #blienconfidenza Video, jonka FROM WEAK TO STRONG?? (@svagtillstark) julkaisi 5. 05ta 2016 klo 1.11 PDT Dela detta:DelaPinterestFacebookTwitterTumblrE-postGilla detta:Gilla Laddar in … Relaterade SvagtillStark Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong. Föregående FEELING LÅT Nyare Inspiration Lämna ett svar Avbryt svarDin e-postadress kommer inte publiceras. Obligatoriska fält är märkta *Namn E-postadress Webbplats Kommentar Meddela mig om nya kommentarer via e-post. För närvarande har du JavaScript inaktiverat. För att kunna kommentera, vänligen se till att JavaScript och cookies är aktiverade och ladda sedan om sidan. Klicka här för instruktioner om hur du aktiverar JavaScript i din webbläsare. Δ Denna webbplats använder Akismet för att minska skräppost. Lär dig om hur din kommentarsdata bearbetas.