Diet,  Life,  Recipes

Caramel candy – Butterscotch Recipe

Inlägger är i samarbete med NICKS.SE

Have you ever tasted the hard but soft swedish caramel candy?

Butterscotch is a traditional Swedish toffee prepared at Christmas, the swedish version is KOLA or KNÄCK (a more harder version)


The traditional recipe:


1,5 cups Sugar

1 cup Cream

1/2 cup Syrup

100g Butter

Do this:

1. Mix sugar, syrup, cream and nutter in a sauce pan with thick bottom. Boil until the batter turns 120 degrees Celsius. You can test if it’s ready by dripping the batter in a glass of cold water. If you can shape the wet mass to a pea with your fingers, the texture is right.
2.  Spread the batter into tiny paper cups. Let the butterscotch cool before you store them in a jar. You may need to place some baking paper between the layers otherwise butterscotch tend to stick together.

And my version:



1 cup Cream

1/2 cup Milk

1 cup Fibersyrup Gold

1/2 cup Sukrin (or other sweetening like stevia powder, vanilla, saffron, dark chocolate etc.)

Same preparation as the normal recipe.

Cook for about 30-60 minutes depending on whether you want hard or soft toffee.

Bildresultat för caramel sauce

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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