
Caramel chocolate cookies

You will need..,


  • 60g Fibersyrup Clear
  • 30g Wheyprotein (i used Scitec’s orange chocolate)


  • Caramel sauce (recipe under)


  • Chocolate sauce (recipe under)

Do this:

  1. Blend together wheyprotein with fibersyrup and split the dough in 10 pieces. Make some cookies of the dough (use a little cold water if it is too sticky)  place in the oven at 200* for like 8 minutes. 
  2. Let the cookies cool down and then fill with caramel sauce, freeze for 5-10 minutes and then top with the chocolate sauce and place in the fridge for 30 minutes, or eat it right away, enjoy! ?

    tip;Do the Caramel sauce and chocolate sauce ready before you make the cookies, and you will have some yummy toppings for breakfast or whenever you’re craving some sweet sauces ?


4 tbsp sweetener

2 tbsp Walden farms caramel or pancake syrup

2 tbsp cold water

150ml coconut milk

¼ tsp vanilla extract

pinch of salt


Place the coconut sugar and water in a pan over a medium heat. Stir gently until the sugar has dissolved and let it bubble for 2-3 minutes.

Pour in the coconut milk and keep stirring until it has fully combined. Turn down the heat and allow the sauce to simmer for 10-15 minutes until it has thickened.

Remove from the heat and add the vanilla extract and salt and stir well. Pour the sauce into a bowl or jar and allow to cool. The mixture may thicken a little more once it cools.

Chocolate sauce:

I just melted dome coconut oil with raw cocoapowder, some drops milk and alot of sweetening but you I think normal chocolate melted will be even better! 

Sorry for the bad english and recipe haha..  I never take exact measurements, I just go with the flow haha ??????

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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