
Do not believe everything

It is so sad how the media, magazines and others opinions affects our daily life.

I remember when I was younger and when I got sick, I believed everything I read.

I read a health magazine that included a mealplan with workouts to become a ”healthier person” or something like that. I don’t want to say I was stupid but I was, and the magazine was. Like nearly every health magazine is.. Or was at least.

As a teenager with no experience or knowledge of partly anything. I believed everything I read.

Everything that was told me.

Everyone’s opinions.

Somewhere deep inside I knew it was wrong but I just wanted to do right and I never thought it would affect me the way it did, it was dangerous. The media still is. It probably always will be.

Its pretty funny but even scary how much bullshit it contains. For example food, Nearly every food is bad for us according to the media.

“Don’t eat carbs its bad for you. Don’t drink milk, it will kill you. Dont drink soda. Dont eat salt for your blood pressure. Eat salt otherwise you die. But not too much on the same time! Dont starve yourself! Don’t eat soya. Eat soya you need estrogen. Watch out for sugar. And sweetening. And additives. Dont eat meat. Animal killer. Dont eat fish. Eat fish you need omega. Watch out the bad omega fats. Dont eat frozen berries. Dont eat fast carbs. Dont eat bad fats. Dont eat vegetables for your stomach. It also is bad for the environment.” And so on..

Better eat only celery and salad, it should be safe someone thinks. Well nope. It contains natrium and water. So in the end, everything and anything is bad for us according to them. But guess what? We will die anyway. Stop caring so much, thinking and start to follow your signals. Eat and drink what you want, when you want and do what you want to do. Just live. Let go. Dont make your life to a jail full of rules. Live, be free, enjoy, and you will be happy. Rules are made up for work or school, or traffic, and people dont even follow them, so why should you do a life full of rules that are just made up from nothing, from someone that dont know a shit about your life. We are all different and the truth is there is no “one thing fits all” solution.

What works for one person may not work for you. For example food, depending on genetics and other health factors our bodies respond differently to different foods.

So what I want to tell you in this post, (after a long explaining with bad english lol) is that I hope you dont believe or follow everything you hear, read or see. Be careful and take care of yourself. You are different and unique. Treat it the way it wants to, not the way it should be. If you understand me right 😎

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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