
Do you eat the whole egg?

A couple years ago I never ate the yolk because I did not want to eat the bird and also for being afraid of getting high kolestrol.

People, media, news scares people away with things like this. Telling us to avoid ”bad” fats, butter, milkproducts, eggyolk, meat etc.. These foods that are like one of the most nutritios and healthiest things that we can eat.

I was one of them, I avoided saturated fats just because I really believed everything anyone said. Specially what we were learnt in school, so I began a vegan fatfree diet. I lost weight, got lack of vitamins, hormone unbalances, just went to a really sick shape and even if I started eating meat again, and a lot of red meat, my period got back. I gained muscles that I nevet had before. My depression disappeared but later I got to know from my stool test that I had no fat levels in my body, my cholesterol was dangerously low. So dum of me avoiding eggyolk, one of the healthiest things that we can eat, just because I thought I would live longer and get healthier, my family has high levels of it.. so It was like clear I needed to watch out my cholesterol too.

it was not until latet that when I added more saturated fat and not only from like peanuts, instead like fatty meat, real butter, real milkproducts instead of fatfree ones, EGGYOLKS, healthy bones from animals that I really felt difference, like a total change on my whole health.

So just because someone feels better on one diet or because you read about everyone that started avoiding some food, dont always believe that you also need

To make some changes. I believe that we should eat a little from everything, not avoiding anything, if it not clearly make you feel worse of course, then we would be much more healthier than what media puts us to think.

Did you know eggshells are super rich in calcium? Would you try it?

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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