Don’t Post on Instagram for Attention.

If you’re posting for attention, I can guarantee you you’re doing something unhealthy that will only feed your insecurities, or further drive you into the depths of whatever it is having you seek attention in such a way. But let me say this, I am guilty of having done that in the past, multiple times.
When I think back to the times I posted on social media specifically for attention, it was always at a time where my mind was messed up. Times of depression. Times when I was really struggling to control my ADHD, times when I was not in a healthy mental state. My insecurities were high during that. I was more often depressed than upbeat. It was me, lying to myself and others, how happy I am when in reality I was struggling and having daily panic attacks and suicide thoughts.
Social media can be a wonderful thing. Inspire and motivate people but also the opposite. I am picking on Instagram because I think it is the network that brings out this type of unhealthy behavior the most, but I am sure it is present on all social networks.
Look, you don’t need some great reason to post on social media. “Just because,” is reason enough. Posting because its a moment photo of you enjoying life and you proudly want to share it with others, that is awesome. Capturing a great moment or celebration, that is great too! Found something you just think is funny, or interesting, or something that might motivate others, that is fantastic to post.

But, if you find yourself posting because you want attention, or if you find yourself in a down period in life like I was 10 years ago and you’re seeking validation, pause and maybe don’t hit post.
WE are not BRANDS.
There is alot of business Instagram accounts, their goal is to get attention for the business. Every posts goal is to maximize getting the most amount of attention from the right people so that they take the one action the brand wants them to take. BUT YOU ARE NOT A BRAND!
If you are suffering from a lack of validation and self worth, know that this world is a better place with you in it and that you are of value. I do not discourage social media use for you. Social media can be a wonderful place to feel connected with friends and loved ones. If you’re struggling with any of the above, isolation is not the answer. If social media is your only means of reaching people, please, reach out to your friends and loved ones and do connect.

Ask yourself…
Does the post add healthy value to you? Post it.
Does the post add healthy value to others? Post it.
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