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Home again! Back to normal work online and right now sitting here so full of my yummy breakfast (the feeling when you get your own favorite foods again) and a too-hot-to-drink coffee cup, maybe the third one and I can’t lie, it’s not a normal size or even near normal, haha I NEED those big cups, XXXXXXXXXXXXXL please! I guess it’s only here in Finland we don’t have those big cups in the café’s because on the opposite it’s nearly impossible to find SMALL cups in the U.S.A……….. And who want’s to pay for another SMALL cup.

Monday blues… No SORRY ITS FRIDAY. OK???!! When you come home from the cruiseboat working 24/7 you don’t even remember the day or your name when you’re home again, It’s SO HARD to get back on track and when you talk with people you have no idea what they’re talking about and the only thing thats on your mind is “whats the time? do I need to hurry? When’s lunch?”  BUT holy shit I slept well in my own bed and just the feeling that you don’t need to look at phone or having a alarm, freedom feelings <3<3<33 haha… No but now back to serious things and on Sunday I am actually leaving for the blog-days in Stockholm! That will be so nice! Can’t wait! But hope I get everything ready before that and my brains back to normal life again so I know what to take with me (panic…….!)

Anyways, don’t know why I am writing on english.. but here is some inspiration for the day (I needed it for sure)

Have a great day people! Happy weekend!

Victorias Secret PINK Campus Backpack Gray Marl Bookbag Tote NEW School Travel: 15 Powerful Heart Openers to Release Negative Emotions - Side PlankShowing off that BICEP! Female Fitness Vaccinations. by Skinny MUSCLE Girls - Bildresultat för stop making everybody happy youre not a chocolate4Pinterest | megybabe: (∙∘✶☆ pinterest: lovexstrong ☆✶∘∙): a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after ♡: She's a badass with a good heart, soft but strong, unapologetic and honest. She's the type of woman you go to war beside, the type of woman you marry.: Release pent up emotions with heart opening poses :  : Pop Of Coral Sneakers Sporty Outfit Idea by Maffashion: If too much nut butter is wrong, I don't want to be right ? Finally reunited with my one true love - @dsnaturals Vanilla Maple and Chocolate Smores fluff butters ? #SpreadItAllOverMe: "Who Wants Coffee ?!" I do, I do! (Make that a LARGE cup, purty panda please) <3 <3:

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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