

Because of what I’ve gone through in my past.. 2 different of ED, 3 suicide attempts and a long depression I never thought I would survive. With more diagnosis, surgerys and doctors appointments than anyone could imagine, I do not take life so seriously.

Yes, I think it is the most beautiful and important thing we have, like our health and body. But I do not stress about small things. More like I think ”Will this matter 5 years from now?”

Freedom is for me the most important for me.

I do not have rules, restrictions in life or big plans/goals to make. I am grateful of just living. I train and eat the way I crave and I like it this way. I would never want to live a life with restrictions and rules of how I can or can not live. I need to feel my freedom and the possibility to do what ever damn I want.

I lived a life full of rules and requirements. Every damn day. Yes it was nice for a moment until it became an obsession. I could never stick to a plan anymore, it just reminds me of the hell I went through. It eas just a daily struggle to be better and do more in everything in life.

It is good to challange youself and push yourself, but is not healthy anymore when it goes over the limit. You will notice the difference.

Balance is the key. When ever it is about training/food/work/money/school/obsessions or even being a parent.

Today, I know I am good and enough even if I would not do a single thing today. I am am just a human and I do not become more worthy by doing more. #youareenough

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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