
Gladare tänder, kanske?

I samarbete med Happysmileteeth, vilket härligt namn, kunde inte låta bli att pröva, som gjort för mig då Happy är mitt andra namn typ.

I drink so much coffee and yes, wine so better try this whitening kit, if it really works. I never really trust or believe anything before I try it myself, I don’t know why (maybe because I don’t usually read the instructions) it always end up bad for me, because I love to try different things, everything from new exercises, recipes, experiments or makeovers for the look because I am really impulsive and I have no kind of patience, but mostly I learn from my mistakes and don’t make the same mistake again, but sometimes not, I just can’t keep my hands of haha, even if it is a risk. This time it is just about a teeth whitening kit, but you get the point. I battle between ”you only live once – so take care of that life and be careful” and ”do everything you can when you have the possibility” Lol.

Back to the topic, I have a discount for you if you also want to try this, use: Essen20 on their website here! I will sure get back with my review later. Best result if you do 30 minutes for a week in a row.

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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