Eatingdisorder,  Life,  Uncategorized

GOOD morning!!

I just waked up. It was like, I was ready to look at my phone and see the clock as 09 or 10 or something, but then I saw the numbers 07:30 I was like WHAT and I had an amazing energy so I jumped of my bed and made me a huge, lovely breakfast! My mum waked up of the coffee aroma (you know how lovely it is) and serioulsy I have some addiction for coffee, I could drink like 10 cups if I didnt get thirsty and sick of the fifth. Haha, yep.. the tree first cups (i drink like a huge latte size cup, its really not even a cup, but i count it like that i guess) gives me so much energy and I am ready for anything! But then because its so freaking delicious, and if I have a loong morning infornt of me (at home) well then I will just drink until I collapse haha 😀 Okay so you see, I dont have an healthy or  recommended diet and I dont always feel good after my meals. I am a freaking normal person! I can eat whatever I want and I can feel whatever I want afterwards. Of course you know after the huge buffee table you will feel sick if you take another after another plate, but what do you do? You take another plate, and live with the feeling. Life goes on. And if you sit on the bus and your stomach is rumbling, just live with it. No one cares, you don’t need to care. Why does everybody take health, nutrition so seriously? Food is energy. Food is fuel. What I regret in life (sounds like I have liven thousand of years) is that I spend so much years on dieting. Or living with fear of food. Living with an eatingdisorder. Thinking so much. Can I eat that? What will happen if I eat that? I counted every fucking bite. Thats not normal. Give up already, it will not be like giving up, it will be like WINNING the game, becaus you let the annoying eatingdisorder away and you say welcome to the REAL you. To the freedom. To the not-thinking-or-regreting-life. No limits. No regrets. No anxiety. Doesen’t it sound triggering? Well then CHOOSE RECOVERY! And you know what? It’s not about choosing recovery once, you need to face recovery and choose recovery over and over again. Not giving up. Giving yourself another change. Failures are a part of life, if we dont fall (or fail) then we never grow up, then we never recover, then we never win or then we never ever LEARN OR CHANGE!! So face the fears and let go of everything! Focus on your new life, 2015, it will be the best life. Because YOU make it the best. And no one is going to stop you, you are the only one that can stop, and I know you are strong enough to struggle. So what are you wating for?

Remember. everybody is different. I am different. you are. even if we have things that are similar, but YOU ARE YOU. You have your own struggle, your own life, your own problems. We all have them. Believe it or not. So before you go infront of somebody, don’t judge. You don’t know anything that is going on in her life or mind. Focus on yourself. Who cares if Kenza or Beyonce is dieting or if your friend is staring a “fit-healthy-strict year”. It doesnt need that you need to do what she does. You do your own thing. Focus on yourself. Listen to yourself. We all have our own food schedules, and times that we are hungry, you are unique the way you are, and you are the only one that is you. If you arent you, then who will be you? There is nobody in the world, NO-ONE that is exactly like you, no one that need the same amount of energy, no one that thinks exactly alike you, NO ONE that lives exactly the same way as you.

We are function in different ways. Your body may need 4000 calories a day and your friend need 1200. I do not want to go into calories now but remember, all these “figure out your daily intake of calories” is bullshit. No one can know how much you need, only you by listening to your body. But first you have to get it to function normally. By eating. Relaxing. And do not worry or overthink, it will come the day you finally understand what I mean.



So remember that everything that happens in life, everything I write on the blog, everything your friend is telling you, everything you read on the media is not always the truth. (haha but of course what i write now is true) but I mean, like. someones diet.. Do you think she eats exactly what she puts or writes or says on the blog / instagram? Do you think there is any person in the world who never fails? Year-round dieting? Life out dieting? Or never ever fails in anything in life?

The only ones that I know that “never fails” or let it go over the limit or never eaten a cheat meal or living their life out are probably those who suffer from an eating disorder or those who really do not feel well (sick people, depressions, suffering from an illness and so-one.. ). So don’t judge and focus on yourself. Fuck what others are eating or doing. They have their own problems and their own life. Meet yourself. Get to know yourself. Who are you and what do you want in life? You do not need to know exactly what you want. Maybe you start TODAY journey to find out.


Haha, just needed to! #whenyouknowyouarenotgoodatediting
Haha, just needed to! #whenyouknowyouarenotgoodatediting

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

2 kommentarer

  • startingtofightfitlife

    Tack Amanda för det hÀr!
    Just vad jag behövde idag. Jag har haft en dĂ„lig dag och det alltid knuffar mig till Ă€tstörnings tankar och allt. KĂ€nner mig bĂ€ttre efter lĂ€ste det hĂ€r 🙂


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