
How to Survive the Dark Winters

– Do winter sports! During the early fall, for example, one tip is to go hiking and enjoy taking long weekend walks, and in the wintertime, cross country skiing and ice skating are common ways for many to keep active, socialize, and stay warm.

Even if you don’t have a sports background, there is a lot of different sports you can do on the winter, whether you are a beginner or experienced.

To regularly get outside and get your pulse up is, in other words, a good way to get out of bed, energize, and get on a better mood!! And what is better than go to a sauna afterwards..

– Be social. Don’t channel your inner bear and hibernate. Get out with fellow travelers, or friends and hang out at local cafes, restaurants and events when the epidemic is gone.. I really hope for better time🙏😬 But at this time, try some social networking like watch NETFLIX PARTY with your friends, call a videochat through Zoom, join online group exercises etc!

– Get a sun-lamp! I dont know if it helps, but I got one and hey, it does not do any harm at least! Specially when the darkness starts at 4pm it helps me to stay awake at the computer working.. But I recommend to use it in the morning, and regulary for at least 10-20minutes.
– Taking a Vitamin D supplement may also help!
– Another tip is to get cozy with friends and family.. snuggle up under warm blankets with good food and wine, lots of flickering candles, and a good movie.

– Make a list of all the positive things you like about the winter or darkness.. We sleep better, actually it is proven that we sleep better when it is cold and dark.. so yey, because at least I need a good nightsleep! 😅

Lets embrace the darkness with a lot of good mood and mindfulness to survive !❤️🍿💡💡😴✨❄️🧘🏼‍♀️🩰🎮🌌🕯🛁🧼📚📝💖🔆

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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