
Jetlagged in Thailand

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So its like 5 hours time difference of Finland and Thailand, the first week I was really jetlagged but I had some CBD oil with me, that cured it all. So from really energized on the evening to sleepmode, fixed!

Do you use CBD oil?

I use it home regulary, mostly for my rheumatism but also for my ADHD and the days I do not get sleep. Every time I use CBD oil, I sleep like a baby!!! Really works.

On my rheumatism I havent yet felt any difference but I guess you need to use it daily and in high dose, but it still relaxes me and when I am relaxed, my muscles also relax, so it is a good treatment for sore muscles.

And as I mentioned it works good for my ADHD, the days I feel like hyper and too much things going on, I have learned to be present those moments and recogonize that I am going ”over” again. But to calm down and try to do some breathing or meditation, is not a good idea😂😂 A minute later I am jumping around again, on the same time that I try to focus on my job.. that is when CBD helps, to calm down, go in to a concentration mode.

Have you got any help of CBD oil, if so for what?

I use mine from Nirvanahealth

Get it here

They have a lot of different options and strength, I use 1-5% on the morning/days and 15% on the evening.

The more strength it has, the less drops you need. Three drops of 15% helps directly to insomia.

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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