Diet,  Recipes

Protein Slushie

Laitilan Proegg Protein Smoothie

– Product of the year in Western Finland! For snack, drinks, porridge, baking and desserts!

Laitilan Proegg Protein Smoothie is created by Munax’ innovative Finnish product development team. The product contains 85% pasteurised liquid egg white and berry and fruit puree. The smoothie is a real award winner with already several nominations. The Protein Smoothie was nominated Product of the Year in Western Finland.

Laitilan Proegg Smoothie is ideal as a part of a healthy diet for the whole family. It is suitable for breakfast, a high-protein snack, weight control and indulgence.

• Contains natural berries & fruits • No added sugar • Rich with high quality protein, contains 12 egg whites • Manufactured in Laitila of Finnish eggs • Taste test winner
• Dairy-free • Gluten-free • 0% cholesterol • 0% lactose • 0% fat

I made a really yummy dessert yesterday, here is the recipe:

Sugarfree & Protein SLUSHIE (Frozen Icecream)!

You will need:

Do this:

Put the smoothie in the freezer for ca. 2 hours. Take the smoothie out, cut off the top and (optional, it will become bigger and more of it then, but you can eat it at is is directly too!) mix or whips it for 3 minutes at high speed. Enjoy!


Frozen smoothie icecream made of @laitilankanatarha Blueberry Protein Smoothie ???

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In cooperation with Laitilan Kanatarha Finland

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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