
Leg Workout Giantset

My legs are so sore already from my workout ?? I challenged myself this time and made a little different legday:
1. Squats warmup 5×20,10,8,5,3 reps

2. Giantset:

a. Sumo-Squats 4×12 

b. Legpress (wide,deep) 4×12

c. Lunges 4×12/leg

d. Legextensions 4×12

After the giantset you will be dead if you use heavy enough weights, so you need to force the last repetitions ? ? 

But still continued because I had good time and got pretty much adrealine kicks of the giant set ??

3. a. Hipthrusts 3×12


b. Stiff legged dumbbell deadlifts 3×12
4. a. Lying Legcurls 3×20


b. Standing Calfraises 3×10
For me this gave me a really great pressure and shock to the legs ?? because I am used to do 3-5 repetitions, soon I think I will vary my workout schedule but for now I go forward every workout and make really good results with the low repetitions and higher set:s. 

Time for Caseinfluff ? This picture from yesterday, today I will top with granola, mulberries, peach and caramel syrup from walden farms ?? 

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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