Fashion,  Life

lied when I said I would not buy more loung wear 😅

In cooperation with Femmeluxe 

Black Ribbed Belted Loungewear Set – Asia

I lied when I said I would not buy more loung wear 😅 The epidemic has unfortunatly not got better, more like the opposite. I have a lot of feeling about the situation, but what can we do. Sometimes it feels rwally hard to even keep hope, when we have no idea about the future.

White Cuffed Joggers – Lizzie

But hey! I got some new loungewear, I can not even remember when was the last time I wore jeans. Probably not for a year.

Khaki Loungewear Tracksuit Set – Maria

When, and if, things get back to normal.. I have no idea how to start my normal life again, lol. Suddenly wake up from the locked home and start to put on some makeup and search after a handbag, go out for a dinner and put on something else than relaxed pants. Am I the only one?😬

Black PU Faux Leather High Waisted Cuffed Joggers – Amina

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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