februari 12, 2015
Here is some inspiration for you who is interested of making lunchboxes but dont know what to put in. I eat nearly every day at one week the same, because I am lazy but at the weekend (if I need to make them, I make something luxury) And now I follow a “diet” because of my coming fitness competition, but usually I dont make lunchboxes, if I do then I would love to make some wraps, avocado stuffed with creamcheese, salads with alot of raw healthy stuff, tuna-sandwitches, fruitmixes with nuts and seeds, etc. Now usually I eat pasta/rice/couscous & vegetables for carbs, protein from chicken (too lazy to do something else, but sometimes I buy a whole salmon haha), fats from avocado/coconut oil/oliveoil/nuts or a mix of them. Yep pretty boring, but I have one cheat meal a week. Haven’t follow my diet that good though.. need to start seriously now. I just have hard to believe I am going to compete, like, ME!? Well I hope I will get it soon. Im fucking in a hurry if I will get in the right shape before the competition starts… shit 😀 (yep i laugh now.. but cry on that day.. fuck)
Anyway, here is some ideas, not only LUNCHboxes, some snacks and other stuff too! (drooling)
Its really great if youre in a hurry or if you dont always remember your meals or if you want to gain or loose weights (so you know you get the right amount of everything) And you will not bee superhungry or getting low blood sugar levels, so I really recommend it!
SKOJAR NI!?!?!?!?