Muscle girls on Instagram
Okay. Alot of people inspires me, my friends and followers on instagram. Everyday, every picture. Because of your lovely kind words, your dedication and beliving in me. That inspires me. And alot of you are really trying hard to reach your goal, whatever it is.. maybe recovery from an eating disorder or depression, maybe gaining or loosing weight, maybe grow some muscles or trying to get a healthy lifestyle, or maybe you just want to live like a “normal” person and see what your future will take you. Maybe you want to be a doctor or a nurse and you are studying hard right now. Maybe you are sweating at the gym and maybe youre struggling or maybe youre enjoying what you are doing, but the most important is, the goal, how you will feel afterwards. When you reached your goal. Will you be happy? Or will you just keep on trying to get another goal, higher. Maybe you could stop for a minute, be proud and enjoy and look back how far you’ve come and see the hard work youve done and maybe you could give yourself a reward. Be kind yorself, but never ever give up!
Sorry my bad english, but maybe you understood something 😉 :O or? 😛
Alltså skulle kunna drogas igenom alla bilder dgen lång, samma som att kolla på gossar med muskler eller fitness-inspiration-videos, de finns många riktigt bra och man blir så peppad och ivrig, typ full med adrealin, kärlek på träning och vill bara bygga mer och mer! 😀
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