Diet,  Recipes

Proteinfluff recipe

I wrote one before, but this time it turned out better, more fluffier and more perfect! So here is the recipe on english:

No casein! No eggwhites! Only banana, milk and WHEYprotein! I used this from scitec nutrition.


  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and blend until smooth, frozen mixture has been created.
  2. Put it in the freezer for 30 minutes or less if you can’t wait 😉 I think the longer the better!
  3. Using an electric whisk, whisk mix for 5-8 minutes until it gains volume, add a little milk all the time.
  4. Eat immediately.
  5. If you want it more luxury you can top it with walnuts.. grated coconut, berries or anything!


(just so you know, it will not work with frozen berries, only if you change the wheyprotein to caseinprotein. )

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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