
Reality check

I am very open and personal on social media but something I haven’t talked much about to anyone is my struggle with my health right now.

To be honest I haven’t had a good day this whole year. I’ve been running from doctor to doctor with no kind of success. The last years I’ve been reading, studying and biohacking myself to get well, but everytime I think I found the conclusion, I get a slap on my face. One thing I promised to myself. If I ever get well again, I promise I will help every person in this world also with what I have learned during these years.

I am happy though. Life is beautiful. I love life. We all go through shit times sometimes but what is most important is our health. If you do not have that you do not have nothing. Be grateful of being alive for being able to move.

My RA is managable. My joints is most times healthy. My fingers and toes I can handle. My hormones works great. My period is normal. My vitamin levels are all perfect. My heart and lungs are healthy. I am well but the stomach pain I have had for the last three years is something I thought was never even possible for a human being to get. I do not stress. I do not smoke. I live very healthy and have probably done the most tests in this world. But I just seem to not get help.

Anyways, for me being alive and being able to workout means EVERYTHING for me. People has it so much worse, some things are too horrible to even understand what is happening in the world right now.

Just know all of us go through hard times, sometimes more and sometimes less.

Sometimes we can impact alot by own, but sometimes there is nothing we can do but pray.

Joy. Gratitude. Love. Amazement. Delight. Playfulness. Humor. Inspiration. Compassion. Hope. Creativity. Interest. Excitement. Enjoyment. Calmness. SAFE. Energy. Strength. Limitless. Focused. Healthy.

These are the things we feel, sometimes everyday, sometimes not for months.. these are the things that we should be grateful of and not take for granted.

I wish you some wonderful holidays. The time of the year no one should be alone. Keep your loved ones near and keep an eye on yourself and what you have, because in the other second it can be lost.

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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