Diet,  Recipes

Recipe of the day!

I need to start baking again, and now its time when I have the ingredients 😉 Hope ill come up with something diet friendly 🙁 Sucks to be on a diet, im like droooooling when the others eating donuts with the afternoon coffee and im like sitting there with a gum in my mouth trying to relax 😀 Whats wrong with me!!! Never been this sugar addicted in my life, well i think its when you cant eat it you want it and when you can eat then you dont have cravings for anything exapt peanutbutter 😉 You can never have enough of peanutbutter, nearly wish I won 20 kg of that istead of protein (just kidding, then I would be a peanut butter cup myself) 😀

Recipe for this sweet thing:


2.5 cups raspberries
2 scoops vanilla whey
1 banana
1 pack unflavored gelatin (11g)
1 glass of HOT water (to dissolve the gelatin)


Blend the berries + banana in a bowl and, in a separate bowl, dissolve the gelatin with the hot water. Then, whisk the gelatin with the fruit et al and stick it all in the fridge!


Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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