Bikini fitness,  Life,  Training

Run Forest Run!

Today I was running in the forest. For the first time in ages..

Omg. Just loved it. I can not believe how good it went! Even my foot did not hurt!

I never run. Maybe once a month running.. and ofc walking with my dog. Before i got Polly (my dog) i never walked, maybe to the foodstore 500 m away sometimes, lol.

I wish I had time for more. I love dancing, kickboxing, crossfit, climbing, hiking etc.. I would love to learn how to do ballet, wrestling, surfing, gymnastics, karate, horse riding etc..

I love sports! And as much as strength training helps my joint rheumatism, mobility training also does.

I wish I had time for yoga, pilates, meditation, swimming more. I barely got time for the gym, so I focus on strength training because it has saved me and still does, every day, the light of the day, the best part. I feel strong, happy and capable to do anything. My body and mind is so strong together, my own time, for myself.

It also saves my rheumatism, as much as cardio/stretching/swimming also does, I wish I could do that more, because I love it!

Before Is started lifting I danced, and ran a lot. It is so wonderful, i love to run, the feeling to be free and nearly flying forward. Escaping. Clearing my mind and forgetting everything else. I just need to use my legs. One step at a time.

Lifting is different. It strengthens me inside out and the gym is my medicine. The barbells my buddies hahha.

Since I started working out(after playing soccer for 9+ years until 16 years old..) I always got comments about my body lol, people always thought I was like doing some professional sports, athletics, gymnastics, marathon etc 😅 I was just like: no..only lifting. Now I also get this kind of comments, or even questions about taking No, I just lift, eat and recover properly, I listen to my body and what it wants. I did fitness competing once, but I never followed it as

It truly. I just continued doing what I always did.. lifting, eating well and living my daily life without rules or terms or any goals, I trained and train because I love it.

Yes, I have competed in Bikini fitness. But I just because It was fun,

I liked being on the stage, it reminded me of the model work I did as a teenager, and it was fun to be in a team, with people that got the same passion and interests even as the most of the people in the fitness world just compete because of the appearance, specially in Bikini fitness, which is not healthy or working anyway.

But yeah, that is how It is.

We all got own hobbies and interests.

I am lifting weights, I’ve done it for 7 years now because I love it and it saves my life.

Who knows what I will do after 10 years or next year? I do not care. As long as I am happy. Maybe I focus on my family or work, and will not have time for the gym, but I am so happy I now got time because strength training is my passion and daily saver. The times I do not have time to lift, iIam so not myself. I get so tired and nearly depressed, it feels like it is missing something, which is sad because I know there are moments I do not have the possibility to lift, and it is not the same time to walk or go running yes sure it is good for the health, but to be honest and real, I never started lifting because of its health benefits. I did not care. I saved myself from depression, I was suicidal, and to find the gym and lifting..It was incredible. I got the zest of life back.

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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