
Scitec Nutrition and Walden Farms

Som ni vet missbrukar jag både waldenfarm och Scitec nutrition, kanske för att jag samarbetar med dem, kanske för att jag ÄLSKAR DEM. Jag lovar. Skulle aldrig skriva detta ifall jag inte menade det, skulle inte använda deras produkter ifall jag inte gillade dem, visst kan de vara med på en bild men jag ifack jag fick välja skulle jag hälla över pulver ovh sås över varhe måltid, tyvärr är min coach inte så hype över walden farms då den inte är så naturlig, menmen ifall jag älskar nåt kan jag inte låta bli ! Proteindrycker har jag nu typ 3 om dagen, vilken himmel för mig, får välja ny smak varje dag! Har massvis med portionpåsar som jag kommer ta med till Turkiet. Så jag har NÄSTAN smakat på alla smaker, utan de som inte säljs mera eller är out of stock alltid. Som tex. Cookies & Cream

I have wrote one rewiev before.. but now they have new flavors and I got theese questions all the time and I believe you dont have time to spend all day searching for the old blogpost so, here you go;


Protein: 100% Whey Protein Professional (ofc), 100% Whey Protein* SUBERB, 100% Casein complex, Protein Delite, Jumbo & Protein Pancake

Pwo: Hot Blood 2.0 & Pow3rd! 2.0

Others: Vitargo, Amino Magic, Bcaa Complex, G-Bomb, 12 ROUNDS INTRA-WORKOUT, Essential amino matrix


Proteins; Caramel, Orange Chocolate, Lemon Cheesecake, Banana, Milk Chocolate, Coconut (believe me, I have always hated everything with coconut, even coconutproteins but this. holy shit. yummy.) Chocolate flavor with chocolate shreds/ Vanilla flavor with crunchy whey crisps (only  SUBERB. and Delite, but I love the pieces of fruit/chocolate/whey crisps, nomnomnom.. 🙂 )

I really like the fruity, pear, peach, yoghurt,pineapple kiwi stuffs too, but usually I only want them cold and after a workout. But theese caramel/chocolate that is my favorites, them I use 24/7 all day long, for breakfast and nightsnack.

The flavors I dont like that much; The strawberry ones (one time I used this 3 months so I just got bored), the ones with nuts like almond/hazelnut.. dont know why 😀 And the pina colada, it is superyummy yes ad the fruity ones but sometimes I heat it up and drink it like a protein-tea, and this one did not taste that good after I heated.. But as I said, I usually like the ones most that I can eat in everyway (hahaha lol, I just wrote everyWHEY… 😀  I am getting whey-sted)

Pwos & Aminos; Mango, Ice-tea


Walden farms favorites: All the syrups, all the bbq, the asian, the balsamico fruity one, the vegetable dips, all the coffee creamers, honey mustard mayo, fruit jams, carameldip, coleslaw/honey dijon/thousand iland dressing, the peanutspreads are ok they dont taste like peanut ofc but if you take a small amount, like in the yoghurt/quark I like it really much, thats why i always need to buy it too. But ofc, real peanutbutter is better, but if you are on a competitiondiet like me in the future It will save me ! Thank god !

The one I did not like that much; Ketchup, it is ok but not my favorite, the bacon ranch haha sorry guys, the pasta sauces (i have not tasted every)

So as you see I LIKE THE MOST 😀 But if you taste them the first time it may be a disappointment when you readed my blog, because I am like; OMG HOLY SHIT HEAVEN I LOVE THIS SHIT!!!! But it is because I am kind of fake-sweet addicted after so many years abuse of sweeteners (when I had anorexia etc.) And if you eat kind of healthy, like 80% of your time (or you try to) so then you will be happy of anything that taste sweet. 😀 Like my dad, he is addicted too.. can’t believe I got he in to this too 😀 hate it because he eats my dressings and proteins 😀 But at least he is not like the ones that screams; IT IS STEROIDS SON! 😀

Sorry for bad english, just thought I would write a post on english because the translater usually suck 😛 Have a great day everyone! I need to start packing my suitcase…. O_O’


(Remember you cant only drink proteinshakes all day long.. You need to eat real food too, That I needed to understand when I was in recovery, and when I started to eat meat again thats when I really started to grow. But yes I totally understand the people that is vegan, and I promise that you can get enough protein and grow muscles even if you eat no animals)

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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