
Sugarfree Marshmallows

Today I grilled with my boys!

I made some sugarfree marshmalllows and the boys ate the whole package of normal ones. Haha! They were delicious too. But believe me or not, I just loved the healthy ones! So fluffy, creamy and yummy! High in protein so why not great as a post snack after the workout lol!đŸ€€đŸ˜đŸĄÂ 

Recipe Marsmallows sugarfree (30-40 pieces)

  • 3 large egg whites or 100ml of liquid eggwhites (I used this)
  • 4 tbsp Gelatin powder (Agar powder, a vegetarian substitute does not work in this recipe)
  • 1 tsp bikarbonat/cream of tartar
  • 1dl Sweetener (powered)
  • 15-20 drops liquid Stevia drops
  • 0,5dl cold + 1,7dl boiling water
  • 1 tbsp coconut flour to coat the outsides of the marshmallows
  • pinch salt
  • Vanilla extract (optional)


  • 1 package dark chocolate/ other chocolate
  • 3 tbsp coconut flour
  • coconut oil
  • ground or chopped nuts
  • cinnamon
  • raw cacao powder
  • dried fruit powder
  • Or anything you like!


  1. Line a pan with parchment paper. Sprinkle with a layer of coconut flour and cinnamon or other coating. I used 20×20 cm but you can use a smaller dish to create taller marshmallows.
  2. Place the gelatin into a pot and add Œ cup of cold water. Tilt the pot to allow the water everywhere. The gelatin will become firm in just a couple of minutes.
  3. Start beating the egg whites in a electric mixer, add slowly the sweetener, bikarbonat/cream of tartar, salt and if you used vanilla.
  4. Keep beating for 1-2 minutes until it becomes thick.
  5. Add the boiling water to the pot with the gelatin and stir until dissolved. If you still see some lumps, briefly boil over low heat and and stir well until they go away.
  6. Add the stevia drops and combine well.
  7. Turn the mixer to medium and slowly pour a steady stream of the gelatinmix into the egg whites. After you poured all of it, turn the mixer to high speed and mix it until it becomes big and creamy (4-5 minutes).
  8. Turn off the mixer and quickly transfer the marshmallow cream into the pan lined with parchment paper and sprinkled with coconut flour and cinnamonpowder.
  9. Spread evenly all over the pan.
  10. Sprinkle more coating on top and pat level it if needed.
    If you aren’t using coating, grease your hands with coconut oil and pat smooth.
  11. Place in the fridge for 2-3 hours or overnight until the marshmallow cream is set. ( I did the quick version and placed it to the freezer for maybe 20-45 minutes. Depending on the temp. When done, remove the pan and peel the parchment paper off. Cut into cubes.
  12. If you make plain marshmallows with no topping, place on a plate and cover with a towel for a few hours. Then, store them in an air-tight container to avoid drying.
  13. If you are adding a topping, melt the chocolate in a water bath. You can put the marshmallows on a stick so it becomes easier.
  14. Then, dip each marshmallow into the melted chocolate and keep turning until the chocolate stops dripping. Alternatively, you can dip the marshmallows directly and sprinkle each marshmallow with favorite toppings and place on parchment paper until the chocolate hardens.
  15. Store in an air-tight container to avoid the marshmallows from getting too dry.

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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