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The ocean 💗

The sea has always been important for me. I feel so calm and so like home there.. its always where I go if I feel a bit down, or anytime to be honest, when I am happy, whenever it is possible.

Since I was born, I was in the water, swimming. Ok maybe not directly, but it did not take long before I screamed for jumping into the water when everyone else wanted to eat icecream or play games. I was a lonely wolf, I loved spending time alone, still do, and my favorite place was in the water, near the sea, mostly dyving and jumping like a fish.

I dreamed about being a mermaid, really did, my favorite movie was Ariel, and older I was completely taken by the tvshow H20. Have you seen the H20?

I never went to swimming practise, I learned myself, and fast. I could spend hours in the water, the only thing that forced me coming up was when my fingers turned white, and then purple.

I am really lucky, I lived my whole life by the sea, in the archipelago. I can not imagine a life in the middle of the city, I once tried to fit in, but I went crazy. I need the calmness and peaceful environment beside me. I hope my future home will be near the sea.

My whole family has been sailing. My grandpa and his father sailed over the Pacific ocean.My grandpa even built his own sailing boat that he dreamed about.

My parents now have their own sailing boat. I do not know how to sail (yet) but I love to drive a motor boat. Or swim, of course.

Would you rather live near the ocean a bit far away or in the city next to everything?

We also worked on the cruiseboat to Sweden. It was like meant to be, working on the sea, living near it.

The thing I hate most about winter in Finland, is that everything freezes. And it takes a long time before everything melts.

💙There is nothing that you can compare with the feeling inside the water. Just pure freedom. The sound of the waves.🙏

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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