Eatingdisorder,  Life

What describes health for you?

Is it really your weight, bodyform or the food you eat that shows how healthy you are? Or maybe it depends on how you feel inside the soul? I am convinced that everyone has their unique way of achieving good health. It’s just a matter of figuring out how to feel and feel.

To be #Healthy today is for me where I really feel good, can enjoy life, smile and feel happiness, balance and harmony in life. I receive challenges, excitement and new adventure but also allows the body to recover, resting regularly. I exercise according to my limits and just because I like it, I never exercise if I have anxiety or if it dont feel good!! I would never punish my body, exercise should be fun and give us energy, good luck hormones. ❣️

Health is to find your own place where you feel comfortable and get rid of all the negative energy that affects you, to be able to eat everything you like and not to experience strong feelings in food or exercise areas that affects your life. Sure food and exercise affects us, but it should not be what controls life.

Health depends on so much more than that. Get to know yourself and your health.

You will know when you really feel good. I also think a big part of my health is that I’m grateful. Thankful for living.

What describes health for you?

Hugs, Amanda

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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