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Why you should throw your scale away

I know, I am a Personal Trainer and for some clients I need to ask them to to weigh themselves every now and then to be sure, and because of different people’s goals and conditions.. but overall 80% of my clients skip the scale and instead we follow how they are feeling or alternatively if the customer wants to increase / lose weight we take measurments or/and take Progress Pictures and more. But anyway… I stopped weighing myself a long time ago, several years ago. It tells nothing but a number, dont trust it, dont follow it, same with BMI. 

 I think it is so weird when I see people and my family do it all the time. Why?? I always think? Then sometimes they get angry, sad, stressed or maybe even happy.. why would a number change the feeling about yourself? And how can you even trust it? Who cares anyway? Only you, no one else cares or knows how much you weigh. Here is a list why I think the scale is unnecessary, why it would be best for everyone to stop weighing themself or just throw it away directly???

  • Your body’s biggest component is water—about 60 percent of your weight. In a given day, your weight can fluctuate by several pounds, primarily due to changes in body water. Considering this, you can see that your scale has limitations. The scale is not an effective way to measure substantive weight change. Those day-to-day changes on a scale can be water weight as well as dehydration.
  • You are not a “good” person because you lost weight—and you are not a “bad” person because you gained weight—despite the messages that diet culture may send you. I think owning a scale does far more harm then good and is generally unnecessary.
  • Thw scale doesn’t reflect anything about your body’s composition or how healthy you are. You can be overweight and healthy. You can be normal weighted and unhealthy. Ultimately, weight is not a good barometer of overall health.
  • Additionally, getting rid of your scale enables you to focus more on how your body is actually feeling—which is a positive thing.
  • You are so much more than a number. No matter what you weigh or what your body looks like, you are beautiful and amazing—exactly as you are.
  • Don’t let a number tell you if you’re worth it, friends. And even if you aren’t ready to ditch the scale for yourself, if you have children, do it for them. No matter how much positive body image talk you share with them, they will pick up on your actions. How long will it be until they start tying that number on the scale to their self worth, too? And how can you tell them not to if you’re doing it yourself?
  • Hormones play a big role in wrecking havoc on the scale for women, even causing their weight to fluctuate from day to day, depending on your time of the month. You may not feel bloated, but you could be retaining fluids. 
  • So if you go to the scale, if it was 5kg more or 5kg less than you expect it to be, what would it change? Nothing, You would still be the same person with the same body, it shouldn’t change your feelings about yourself.
  • Put the time and energy that you spent worrying about food, calories and weight into something more rewarding. Join a new hobby, volunteer to help others, or even take time to spoil yourself every once in a while. Life is too short to spend another day at war with yourself. Now, break up with that scale and throw it away because you don’t need it to tell you how beautiful you are. It is time to get back to a healthier, happier you in mind, body, and spirit.

    What can’t the scale tell you? A whole lot:

    1.      What a good spouse/son/daughter/mother/father/grandma/grandpa you are

    2.      How amazing you are at your job

    3.      How fast you can run

    4.      How much passion you have for your hobbies

    5.      How unique your laugh is

    6.      How loyal you are

    7.      How much better your clothes are fitting

    8.      How much water you drink every day

    9.      How much you rock your favorite outfit

    10.   How much you’ve grown emotionally

    11.   How great your hair looks

    12.   How smart you are

    13.   How much your blood pressure/cholesterol/blood glucose numbers have improved

    14.   The status of your relationship with food

    15.   How motivated you are

    16.   How  many flights of stairs you can climb

    17.   How well you’re raising your kids

    18.   How many lifelong memories you made on your last vacation

    19.   How thoughtful you are

    20.   What a great smile you have

    21.   How much easier it is to carry your groceries since you’ve started working out

    22.   How good you are at making healthy food choices

    23.   How close you are to your friends

    24.   How loved you are

    25.   How well you can cook

    26.   What a genuine person you are

    27.   How much muscle mass you’ve put on 

    28.   The number of good books you’ve read

    29.   How many amazing places you’ve seen

    30.   How many volunteer hours you’ve logged

    31.   How endearing your quirks are

    32.   The number of steps you take per day

    33.   How ambitious you are

    34.   How many times you’ve passed up a treat for a healthier option

    35.   How promising your future is

    36.   How appreciated you are

    37.   How far you can walk

    38.   The number of fruits and veggies you eat every day

    39.   How you handle stress

    40.   How funny you are

    41.   How many inches you’ve lost

    42.   How much knowledge you’ve gained about healthy living

    43.   How compassionate you are

    44.   What a good pet owner you are

    45.   How confident you are

    46.   The number of compliments you’ve received

    47.   How beautiful you are

    48.   The number of medications you’ve been able to stop taking since getting healthier

    49.   How strong your relationships are

    50.   How much weight you can lift

    51.   The number of people who admire and look up to you

    52.   How many challenges you’ve overcome in your life

    53.   How talented you are

    54.   How much you’ve touched the lives of others

    55.   How much you’re learning and growing every day

    56. Your fitness levels

    57. Your energy levels

    58. Your strength

    59. Changes in your body composition

    60. Your sense of achievement 

    61. Your confidence

    62. Your happiness 

    63. Your wellness

    64.  OR YOUR WORTH. ❤

    Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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