
Would you change something in your body, if you could?

I would probably not. Yes I would love a higher bodyfat, but I learned to avcept myself today as I am.

For years I struggled with pressures to appear a certain way and to have a certain body type, get more curves and bodyfat. I was so ashamed of my skinny body, when I was depressed I could not leave the house because I thought people would see me as a skeleton. I did not fit in. Everyone else looked normal and I was the skinny girl.

So many years I lost stressing about stupid things, things that does not matter. All that time I could have focused on so much more importent things.

When I stoped caring about the way I look and also what other think, I got free. Maybe I am too skinny, muscular, veiny or whatever right now, who cares, as long as I am healthy, feel good and well, taking care of myself. Maybe I will some day get huge curves and high body fat, who knows, but I do not care, the only thing I wish for is to be healthy and happy.

The way we look does not tell anything about how we are, and we are so much more than our look.

But we all are born with one certain look, and we all have our own unique look. You also got your bodytype and I think it is so cool that we all look different, how boring it would be if everyone looked the same. Also boring to look perfect, even if I do not know what a perfect human would look like, everyone has their own opinions about that I guess. Maybe perfect does not exist.

”One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”⁃ Stephen Hawking

I would not change the way my hands o feets look. I would only take the pain away.

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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