
YEY’S and NO’S for the day

Yey because;

– My trainer allowed me to have THREE cheatMEALS this week, because it is midsummer, woopwoop!! Champange and midsummerdinner here I come! 😀

– Just ordered from some cereals, bars, peanutbutter, pb2, etc… Can’t wait! If you want a discount for your first order, click here


– Bad and lazy training, my energy level has been bad all day and I have been a bit angry and upset at everyone xD Dunno why. And super thirsty and sugaraddicted 😛

– My sister took the laptop down so now I can’t watch netflix anymore ;___; Only from the big computer or iphone.. yey

– Its still one and half hour til my next meal and I am bored as fuck xD

– The weather sucks. And propbably will suck on midsummer too.. I will enjoy that day anyway so, but I dont have any special plans exept eating with siblings but my plans switches every day so no one knows!

Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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