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Åh, fick idag hem ett litet brev, är så tacksam!

Såhär står det på YAY’s hemsida som Niklas Wadman skapat, han är en stor inspiration för många och mig sedan länge.

YAY stands for personal progress through the knowledge of self-action.

You Against You® is created by the Swedish health & fitness coach Niklas Wadman. You Against You® has its purpose to inspire and motivate through the concept of self-action. It is your own individual act that leads you to success. With the the right tools, you have the ability to reach your deepest dream – It’s all about you against you!

This page gives you inspiration as motivation for your training, diet, and for a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. We have a larger bank of recipes for both weight loss as muscle gain. You can also read the latest updates on the blog, and check out the Inspiration section of interviews with people who really know the concept of You Against You®

YAY also offers services though personal training, nutrition concealing and online coaching. Check out Services for more information!

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Recovered from anorexia and depression, from Weak to Strong.

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